Aleksander Möldroo


Kevadised veed. 1958

Monotype, water-colours. Plm 69 x 54 cm
price 768 (sold)

Aleksander Möldroo "Kevadised veed"

Aleksander Möldroo "Kevadised veed"
Aleksander Möldroo uses for rendering of spring time impressions of nature exactly these techniques, which seem the most appropriate ones for it. While choosing running water-colours that can be controlled with a difficulty and light and blending monotype, Möldroo is able to bring to the viewers these values, which are usually dedicated to spring. It is complicated to assume artist’s intentions while choosing the motif, but while playing brilliantly with light and empty space he seems to be inspiring these thoughts that are usually being depicted as optimistic, carefree and future-directed ones.

Booking and purchase

Appearance in auctions

Rataskaevu and Rüütli Street
Aleksander Möldroo
Rataskaevu and Rüütli Street
1964. Monotype Vm 47 x 38 cm (framed)
ESTONIAN GRAPHICS AUCTION - 8th of May Haus Gallery 08.05.2024
1 300
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Tallinna sadam
Aleksander Möldroo
Tallinna sadam
1934. oil on cardboard 31.5 x 51.5 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XVIII AUCTION autumn Haus Gallery 08.10.2015-30.11.1999
1 250
Final price: 1 250
Klooster vanas Serbias
Aleksander Möldroo
Klooster vanas Serbias
1930. monotype lm 29 x 34.5 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXIV ART AUCTION 2009 spring Haus Gallery 28.04.2009
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Kunstniku töötuba
Aleksander Möldroo
Kunstniku töötuba
1960-1970. monotype lm 33.8 x 53.5 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXIV ART AUCTION 2009 spring Haus Gallery 28.04.2009
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Taani kuninga aed
Aleksander Möldroo
Taani kuninga aed
1961. km 39 x 46.5 cm (not framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
Final price: 991
(sold)"> (sold)Kevadised veed
Aleksander Möldroo
Kevadised veed
1958. Monotype, water-colours Plm 69 x 54 cm
HAUS GALLERY XIX ART AUCTION, 2006 autumn. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 24.10.2006
Final price: 1 310

Appearance in exhibitions
