Creation of Linda Kits-Mägi, commencing her studies parallelly with Elmar Kits in “Pallas” at Ado Vabbe, complemented in different senses her husband’s creation. If the latter was in the nature always impulsive and trusting the feeling of the moment, then Linda Kits-Mägi was deeply absorbed into the chosen motif and usually finished the painting with a careful elaboration in the studio. Therefore her works give us the feeling of being sophisticated, each shue is exactly chosen and forms have been cleared from the unnecessary. “Saaremaa külatee” was most probably painted in the same month, when “Saaremaa maastik lehmaga” by Elmar Kits, which enables us to see even more clearly, how different and strong was the landscape depiction by Kits-Mägi. Saaremaa with its laconic nature has challenged a number of artists. In spite of poor presumptions, which the visible sight has offered to the artist, Kits-Mägi bewitches out of the stunted junipers, branching footpath, the windmill, facing the sea and the sky, poor in clouds something, which forces us to become attached to the nature of Saaremaa. Junipers have become thrilling experiments with colour and form, where with scanty thin contours is set up an invisible obstruction to the raging of green. The branching footpath has become a symbol of going and coming, the water-body in the middle of which is a gain in the sense of painting technique. A lonely windmill has become an object, stressing the characteristic value of the landscape, bringing out with its laconic depiction manner the glowing nature. And the sky? The sky together with the belt of clouds is peacefully observing, what an artist is doing in the middle of Saaremaa.