Exhibition > Past > Haus Gallery

Haus Gallery 03.07.2007-10.08.2007

Group exhibition of water-colour painters.
Possibilities of water and color.


As already the title of the exhibition is telling us, one of the aims of compiling of it has been acquainting the viewer with the diverse possibilities of water-colour paintings. The range of such possibilities turns out to be unexpectedly wide also in case of the present chamber-style limited exposition. There is no necessity to compare the works of different artists, it is sufficient if we become absorbed in the results of using of different water and colour amounts in the works of one author. And also from such aspect opens unexpectedly the charm, secret and uniqueness of water-colour paintings.

We should certainly add that water-colour paintings offer a number of unexpected aspects also to the painters themselves: once the water amount turns out to bee too big and starts flowing the way it itself pleases, once the colours dry up too fast, but once it is possible to make use of such incidents thanks to one's previous abundant experiences, a nice result is certain.

It is impossible to determine in the work "Veneetsia I” ( "Venice I” ) by  Christel Allik, whether we are dealing with a randomly flowing colour splash or to which extent such unexpected flowing has been directed. But thanks to these random elements has been born an enjoyable water-colour painting.

Agne Kuusing-Soome uses very bravely and boldly the dilution of colour pigment in larger amounts of water, she has also risked with adding of so-called "tiny blossoms” to the painting. And such method has given positive results.

Anne Pajula offers us a really surfeited play of water and colour flowing and taming of such "fireworks” into figures has reached a successful solution.

Abundant use of water and colour – and a very poised one – can be enjoyed in the works by Enno Lehis, one can see that the old master has a complete command of the secrets of water-colours. Flowing, being characteristic to water-colours, has skillfully been used in the depiction of atmosphere in "Ehavalgus” ("Twilight”).

Flowing that is characteristic to water-colours, the nuances of light and air are the main theme of the works by Sigrid Uiga, but on her paintings the depicted is not born by the means of impetuous and free flowing, but it is more directed into details. The result is a totally classical water-colour and Sigrid Uiga is undoubtedly the classic of landscapes.

As supplement and comparison to the flowing painters are also represented the so-called less flowing painters.

Milvi Torim offers with her works a superb example of how an abstract motif, which has still been born through controlled events, becomes in the next work more recognizable. Very enjoyable is the subtle use of colours and water.

Illimar Paul emphasizes this time the co-effect of water and colours differently. When there are already colours and water, then there is also possible washing – let us have a look at the light spots on colour surfaces.

Mari Roosvalt is implementing freely both flowing and the more detailed handling, in her works also an airy light colour splash has found its absolutely right place. The sharpness of using of collage becomes by the means of flowing water-colours considerably softer.

Compiler of the exhibition, Rein Mägar, uses in his favourite motif – in the marine theme – both abundant flowing and drier application of colours. Randomness has been tried to be reached by diversifying the tools – one does not have to paint with a brush only!


The choice of the exhibition works depicting mainly dreamy summer motifs was born from the luminous moods, characteristic to this season. The artists' different handwriting together with everyone

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