Perekond. 1935-1940
pencil, gouache. km 13 x 16 cm
price 416 (sold)
“Perekond” is an exceptional work in the creation by Aleksander Krims. Such human warmth can not be detected in any other of his works. Family idyll, a child in father’s lap – it is not very often encountered in art. Was it the artist’s personal unfulfilled dream? Also from this art deco – style coloured drawing could have later become a painting.
Booking and purchase
Appearance in auctions
Aleksander Krims
Girl at a Well
1935-1940. Pencil, watercolour, paper Km 20 x 12 cm (framed)
AUTUMN 2020 Haus Gallery 30.10.2020
1 800
Final price:
Aleksander Krims
Viiuldaja / Muusiker
1930s. Oil, canvas 103.5 x 64 cm (framed)
SPRING 2020 Haus Gallery 15.05.2020
11 500
Final price: 58 500
(sold)"> (sold)
Aleksander Krims
Poiss tuviga
1935-1940. Km 16.2 x 12.5 cm (not framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXIII ART AUCTION 2008 autumn. Old Masters Paintings Haus Gallery 01.10.2008
Final price: 703
(sold)"> (sold)
Aleksander Krims
1935-1940. pencil, ink, water-color vm 17.8 x 9.8 cm (not framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
Final price: 447
Aleksander Krims
1935-1940. pencil, ink vm 17.8 x 11.6 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)
Aleksander Krims
Natüürmort viiuliga
1930. pencil, ink vm 12.2 x 18 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
Final price: 799
Aleksander Krims
Palvetav tütarlaps
1930-1935. pencil km 13 x 9.8 cm (not framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXI ART AUCTION 2007 autumn Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 11.10.2007
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)
Aleksander Krims
1930-1935. pencil, collage vm 18.8 x 12.8 cm
HAUS GALLERY XXI ART AUCTION 2007 autumn Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 11.10.2007
Final price: 671
(sold)"> (sold)
Aleksander Krims
1935-1940. pencil, gouache km 13 x 16 cm
HAUS GALLERY XXI ART AUCTION 2007 autumn Old Masters Graphics and Drawings Haus Gallery 11.10.2007
Final price: 415
Appearance in exhibitions