Ants Laikmaa


Maastik roosaka taeva ja talumajaga. 1918

Oil, pastel, paper. 39 x 32 cm
price 4 346

Ants Laikmaa "Maastik roosaka taeva ja talumajaga"

The importance of Ants Laikmaa has already a long time ago became an increasing phenomenon. From one side we must once and again remind of his importance on the cultural landscape of Estonia: being a paragon to whole generations because of his organizational abilities and remaining true to his personal values. But from another hand we must always remember that Laikmaa's authority could not have emerged from an empty spot - it had to be based on his creation. For example Johannes Greenberg or Nikolai did not become his students by chance, neither did they become just suddenly the celebrities of the Estonian art.
It is justified that until now Laikmaa is regarded mainly a pastel painter. From one side the abundance of the mentioned works while comparing with works of other styles, from another side the additional values of Laikmaa's pastel paintings. The peak of his creation is regarded to be the period up to mid-1920ies and so the current work represents both Laikmaa's best creative period and his most characteristic painting technique. But this is not all. We are dealing with a Läänemaa landscape that simultaneously carries two very important aspects in the biography of Laikmaa. First: the artist himself came from Läänemaa. So the present work reflects the author's personal memory that makes the picture extremely warm and meaningful. Second: Laikmaa's searching for the Estonian national art that found expression just in landscapes that were made in his home country.

Booking and purchase

Appearance in auctions

Road Through a Pine Forest
Ants Laikmaa
Road Through a Pine Forest
1928. Pastel, paper Lm 59 x 48.8 cm (framed)
12 000
Final price: 34 500
Tunisian Motif I
Ants Laikmaa
Tunisian Motif I
1911-1912. Pastel, paper Lm 34.8 x 22 cm (framed)
5 200
Final price: 10 000
Tunisian Motif II
Ants Laikmaa
Tunisian Motif II
1911-1912. Pastel, paper 35 x 22 cm (framed)
5 200
Final price: 6 100
Farm on a Clearing
Ants Laikmaa
Farm on a Clearing
1921. Pastel, paper Lm 38.5 x 47.5 cm (framed)
EARLIER ART CLASSICS - Saturday, May 14th 15:00 Haus Gallery 14.05.2022
3 600
Final price: 8 000
Maastik Võnnust
Ants Laikmaa
Maastik Võnnust
1918. pastel, paper on cardboard 32 x 47 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY'S AUTUMN AUCTION 2019 Haus Gallery 04.10.2019-31.10.2019
4 900
Final price: 6 000
Naise portree
Ants Laikmaa
Naise portree
1924. Pastel 36 x 33 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery's spring auction Haus Gallery 25.04.2019
3 900
Final price: 6 100
Lõuna-Eesti maastik
Ants Laikmaa
Lõuna-Eesti maastik
1920. Oilpastel, paper Vm 22.7 x 27.7 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery's spring auction Haus Gallery 27.04.2018
5 700
Final price:
Ants Laikmaa
1918. lm 22.3 x 25 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery's anniversary auction Haus Gallery 03.11.2017
4 200
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Lilled vaasis
Ants Laikmaa
Lilled vaasis
1930-1942. pastel on cardvoard 47.8 x 40 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXIX AUCTION 2016 spring Haus Gallery 30.03.2016
4 500
Final price:
Henrik Ibseni portree
Ants Laikmaa
Henrik Ibseni portree
1910. pastel on paper vm 59.5 x 48 cm (framed)
6 900
Final price:
Maaltse Selja saun Kirimäel
Ants Laikmaa
Maaltse Selja saun Kirimäel
1923. pastel on paper lm 35 x 45 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXVI ART AUCTION. 2014 autumn Haus Gallery 06.10.2014
6 300
Final price:
Maastik Läänemaal
Ants Laikmaa
Maastik Läänemaal
1919. pastel on paper lm 28 x 36.8 cm (framed)
7 400
Final price:
Ida Rechtlichi portree
Ants Laikmaa
Ida Rechtlichi portree
1903. pastel on cardboard lm 32.4 x 25.4 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXI ART AUCTION. 2012 spring Haus Gallery 20.04.2012
7 000
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Talumaastik rukkihakkidega
Ants Laikmaa
Talumaastik rukkihakkidega
1913. pastel on paper lm 59.3 x 68.3 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXXI ART AUCTION. 2012 spring Haus Gallery 20.04.2012
27 000
Final price: 27 000
(sold)"> (sold)Vana araablane
Ants Laikmaa
Vana araablane
1910-1912. pastel on cardboard lm 42 x 36 cm (framed)
Haus Gallery 08.11.2010-10.11.2010
3 707
Final price: 4 218
Manubia (Tuneesia vaade)
Ants Laikmaa
Manubia (Tuneesia vaade)
1912. pastel vm 21.5 x 27.8 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXV ART AUCTION 2009 autumn Haus Gallery 27.10.2009
4 346
Final price:
Mary L. portree
Ants Laikmaa
Mary L. portree
1919. pastel, paper, cardboard 36.5 x 28.2 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXIII ART AUCTION 2008 autumn. Old Masters Paintings Haus Gallery 01.10.2008
3 004
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Võnnu maastik
Ants Laikmaa
Võnnu maastik
1923. 18 x 29 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Paintings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
4 666
Final price: 7 158
(sold)"> (sold)Võrgumaja
Ants Laikmaa
1913-1915. 24 x 29.7 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XXII ART AUCTION 2008 spring. Old Masters Paintings Haus Gallery 22.04.2008
5 305
Final price: 8 053
(sold)"> (sold)Capri maastik
Ants Laikmaa
Capri maastik
1910. Pastel, paper Vm 31.5 x 47 cm (framed)
HAUS GALLERY XX ART AUCTION, 2007 spring Old Masters Paintings Haus Gallery 15.04.2007-24.04.2007
7 669
Final price: 7 669
(sold)"> (sold)Talu
Ants Laikmaa
1920. Pastel Vm. 49 x 67 cm
HAUS GALLERY XVIIth ART AUCTION, 2005 autumn Haus Gallery 20.10.2005
5 369
Final price: 5 369
(sold)"> (sold)Võrgumaja
Ants Laikmaa
1913. Pastel, paper, cardboard 24 x 29 cm
HAUS GALLERY XVIth ART AUCTION, 2005 spring Haus Gallery 25.04.2005
4 154
Final price: 7 605
(sold)"> (sold)Talumaastik
Ants Laikmaa
1927. Pastel, paper 25 x 34 cm
HAUS GALLERY XIIIth ART AUCTION 2003 autumn Haus Gallery 23.10.2003
2 684
Final price: 2 684
Maastik roosaka taeva ja talumajaga
Ants Laikmaa
Maastik roosaka taeva ja talumajaga
1918. Oil, pastel, paper 39 x 32 cm
HAUS / XIIth AUCTION, 2003 spring Haus Gallery 24.04.2003
4 346
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Autoportree
Ants Laikmaa
1920. Pastel, paper 36 x 28 cm (not framed)
HAUS / XI AUCTION, 2002 autumn Haus Gallery 24.10.2002
3 323
Final price: 5 113
(sold)"> (sold)Talumotiiv Läänemaalt
Ants Laikmaa
Talumotiiv Läänemaalt
1913. 30 x 36 cm
HAUS / VI AUCTION, 2000 spring Haus Gallery 27.04.2000
2 493
Final price: 2 493
(sold)"> (sold)Naise portree
Ants Laikmaa
Naise portree
1924. 36 x 33 cm
HAUS / VI AUCTION, 2000 spring Haus Gallery 27.04.2000
2 812
Final price: 2 812

Appearance in exhibitions
