Helle Lõhmus


Tõus ja mõõn II/Rise and Tide II. 2013

oil on canvas. 100 x 120 cm (not framed)
price 700 (sold)

Helle Lõhmus "Tõus ja mõõn II/Rise and Tide II"

Both water and flowers are the symbol of purity for the author as it is in a pure world that we can enjoy their charms in their authenticity.

Booking and purchase

Appearance in auctions

Helle Lõhmus
2015. oil on canvas 100 x 82 cm (not framed)
New auction! web 08.09.2016-08.10.2016
Final price:
(sold)"> (sold)Tõus ja mõõn II/Rise and Tide II
Helle Lõhmus
Tõus ja mõõn II/Rise and Tide II
2013. oil on canvas 100 x 120 cm (not framed)
New auction! web 08.09.2016-08.10.2016
Final price: 700

Appearance in exhibitions
