Rudolf Sepp


Lilled. 1962

Oil, paper. Vm. 57 x 39 cm
Starting price 704 (sold)

Rudolf Sepp "Lilled"

Rudolf Sepp’s “Lilled” demonstrates the artist’s skill to create a powerful dialogue between two contradicting sides: modesty and domineering. A bunch of flowers, being a modest motif, is conspicuous by a deep and breathtaking colour solution – resembling of a blood red velvet that is always a firm, simple and grand choice in a lady’s garments.
Instead of the farther distance of a still-life, Sepp is carefully focused and seems to have grasped something of real importance. Here the artist does not strive to get higher than his personal level, but while moving in familiar themes, he is self-confident and resultant. The testing spirit of the 1960ies has left Sepp cold, as for him personally the essence of art and the artist’s mission live somewhere else. Maybe in the place where still are regarded of importance aesthetic pleasures, aspiration for beauty and harmony.

Booking and purchase

Appearance in auctions

(sold)"> (sold)Lilled
Rudolf Sepp
1962. Oil, paper Vm. 57 x 39 cm
HAUS GALLRY XIX ART AUCTION, 2006 autumn. Old Masters Painting Haus Gallery 24.10.2006
Final price: 703
(sold)"> (sold)NÄITLEJA PORTREE
Rudolf Sepp
1950. . 39 x 30 cm (not framed)
HAUS / II AUCTION, 1998 spring Haus Gallery 25.05.1998
Final price: 844

Appearance in exhibitions
